Afternoon Show: TJ Johnson’s Peak of the Week / jazz, blues, gospel and country

Afternoon Show: TJ Johnson's Peak of the Week / jazz, blues, gospel and country
Wednesday 12 October 2022

TJ Johnson

Doors: See footer
Entry Price: Free/donations
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Live music takes place from 3pm till 6pm.

A Wednesday afternoon of live jazz, blues, gospel and country at the new Jamboree with one of the UK’s finest jazz and blues singers, TJ Johnson.

Also an accomplished piano player, drummer and a respected bandleader, Johnson is a true ambassador of the soul, singing songs of love lost and gained, of life wholesome and corrupt; songs of hope, songs of the night, all with the true passion and boozy swagger of only a man who has been there and knows.

Entry is free, with donations for musicians appreciated in the hat.

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